Thursday, June 18, 2009

Photos - FOB Shank and COP McClain Visit, 18 June 2009

One of Our Modes of Transportation

Forward Operating Base (FOB) Shank

Combat Outpost (COP) McClain


Unknown said...

I greatly appreciate having a visual of everyday life at Shank. My son Malcolm, AF, is currently there.Malcolm has shared via email. a written account of many of the pictures you posted and you made his descriptions become "real" for me. Thank you.
My positive thoughts and prayers are surrounding everyone at Shank.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the visual look at life at Shank and McClain. My son is there now. As I tell him whenever I get a chance to talk to him -- keep your rifle ready, head down, and be safe. I want all of the soldiers there to make it home safe.

Steve W

pinkteam said...


I just found your blog googling where my stepfather is being deployed to in the next few days. I just wanted to say thank you for the sacrifices that you and everyone there make every day for our country, you all are in my family's thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Barnett